Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant School, Fletcher Close, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0JT
Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Junior School, Fletcher Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0JY

Infant: 01932 873652 - Junior: 01932 872323

Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant and Junior Schools

Motivated to learn, empowered to achieve

School Meals


We are fortunate to have kitchens on both sites supplying excellent meals catered for by Caterlink. These are served in the dining halls following a cafeteria system and vegetarian options are always available.

Since September 2014 all Infant children have been entitled to receive a free school meal paid for from government funding. Junior children may order and purchase a school meal for which payment is required in advance. From April 2024 the cost of a school meal is £2.75 a day, £13.75 per week. Alternatively children may bring a packed lunch.

You may order and purchase a school meal online by clicking on the following link:

Junior School -

For more information about online payments please click here.

One week’s notice of any change in arrangements is requested. 

If your child has any special dietary requirements, a special menu can only be provided on completion of Caterlink's Allergy and Intolerance form submitted with supporting medical evidence. This can take a minimum of 4 weeks to be approved. A meeting can be arranged with our catering staff to discuss these.

If you think your child may be eligible for free meals, please contact the school office or complete the Application for Free School Meals Form found on the School Office page.