Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant School, Fletcher Close, Ottershaw, Surrey, KT16 0JT
Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Junior School, Fletcher Road Ottershaw Surrey KT16 0JY

Infant: 01932 873652 - Junior: 01932 872323

Ottershaw Christ Church C of E Infant and Junior Schools

Motivated to learn, empowered to achieve

Swimming Provision & Impact


In the Academic Year 2018/2019 the provision made for swimming within the national curriculum for PE is as follows:


Year Group

Planned Provision



Year 3

10 metre swimming pool.   Teacher and facilities hired from Horsell C of E Junior School.

Main Focus: To develop a range of swimming strokes on front and back and build water confidence.

10 consecutive days

Of the 14 (23%) of non-swimmers at the start, 7 of these can now swim at least 5 metres unaided.

The rest of the year group (88%) can now swim more than 5 metres, with 2 children (3%) able to swim 25 metres or more.

Year 4

25 metre swimming pool.

Teacher and facilities hired from Gordon’s School.

Main focus:   To develop a range of swimming strokes (front and back) and swim in deeper water.

To be able to swim 25 metres.

To learn how and demonstrate self-rescue techniques.

9 consecutive days

Of the 7 (12%) of non-swimmers at the start, 5 of these can now swim at least 5 metres unaided.

The rest of the year group (96%) can now swim more than 5 metres, with 25 children (45%) able to swim 25 metres or more.

Year 5

25 metre swimming pool.

Teacher and facilities hired from Gordon’s School.

Main focus:   To develop a range of swimming strokes (front and back) and swim in deeper water.

To be able to swim 25 metres and meet National curriculum requirements for end of KS2.

To learn how and demonstrate self-rescue techniques.

4 consecutive days

Of the 6 (11%) of non-swimmers at the start, all of these can now swim at least 5 metres unaided.

The rest of the year group (96%) can now swim more than 5 metres, with 51 (91%) children able to swim 11 – 25 metres and 25 children (45%) able to swim 25 metres or more and have met the national curriculum requirements for the end of KS2.

Year 6

Water Splash Park on Year 6 Residential Visit.

3 consecutive days

Evening Activity sessions whilst on residential visit to Butlins.

By the end of year 6 we had no non-swimmers, but did have 3 children (5%) who could only swim between 5 – 10 metres.


We expect our curriculum provision for 2019/2020 to be the same as above.